Here you will find all the programs and configs used to control and setup the robot car described in my e-book.
Robot Car – cardboard chassis drawings
This are the drawings of the cardboard robot car as described in the e-book “Robot Car” chapter 4.3.
Name: | Description: | Download: |
3D drawings – cardboard chassis | SketchUp 3D drawings of the cardboard robt car chassis. | 3D drawings – cardboard robot car |
This is the 3D drawing of the cardboard car chassis.
Raspberry Pi – GPIO Pin header
The following pictures should help you to find the correct position and ID of each GPIO pin. Please notice that in the upper left corner the corner of the white frame printed around the GPIO header has a small flat corner. This corner identicates the GPIO pin 1. The flat corner in the upper left corner is for each raspberry Pi model the same identicator for the position of the Pin 1.
Robot Car – SAMBA configuration
This is the smb.conf file as described in the e-book “Robot Car” in chapter 7.6. With this SAMBA config file all folders are accessable over your network connection.
Name: | Description: | Download: |
smb.conf | SAMBA config file to share the robot car folders. | SAMBA configuration file smb.conf |
Robot Car – mjpg-streamer patch
This is the mjpg-streamer patch as described in my e-book “Robot Car” in chapter 7.12. Depending on your Raspberry Pi model you may need this patch.
Name: | Description: | Download: |
mjpg-streamer Patch | This is a patch for the mjpg-streamer for the Raspberry Pi 2 model. | mjpg-streamer patch |
Robot Car – SCRATCH programs
This are the two SCRATCH programes described in my e-book “Robot Car” in chapter 8.1 and 8.2.
Name: | Description: | Download: | | This is the SCRATCH example program as described in chapter 8.1 | basic SCRATCH program | | This is the SCRATCH example program as described in chapter 8.2 | CustomRobotController SCRATCH program |
Robot Car – Python programs
This are the two Python programes described in my e-book “Robot Car” in chapter 9.1. With these two programs you are able to control your robot car via the keyboard.
Name: | Description: | Download: | | This is the Python program to control the robot car with thy keyboard | L298NHBridge RobotControl Python program | | This is the Python program to control the motor controller L298N H-Bridge | L298N H-Bridge Python program |
Robot Car – Python program with the web-interface
This is the Python program with which you are able to control your robot car via a web-interface as described in chapter 12.2 of my e-book “Robot Car”.
Name: | Description: | Download: | | This is the Python program to control the robot car with a web interface. | RobotControlWeb Python program | | This is the zip file with the two HTML interface to control the robot via touch screen and keyboard | WEB interface for the robot car |
MJPG-STREAMER auto start service
This is the start script I explained in my e-Book “Robot Car” in chapter 13.1.
Name: | Description: | Download: | | mjpg-streamer auto start script to stream the robot car live video at boot up. | mjpg-streamer auto start script |
The following picture shows the live video with the web interface control buttons.
Roboter-Auto – Python Programs part 2
All programs for the self-driving robot car and the second part of my book (only in German actual) are available for download below.
Name: | Description: | Download: |
self-driving | All programs from part 2 for you self-driving robot-car.
(The inline documentation is only in German but I will translate it soon) |
Autonomes-Fahren-2016-07-25 |
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