Here you will find all programs, drawings and graphics I have created for the robot car project. The downloads are divided into two parts.

  1. Part: The first part contains all programs to build the remote controlled robot car. In addition to the programs, this includes the drawings for the chassis and a number of scripts.
  2. Part: Here you will find all programs needed for the autonomous driving robot car or for the 2nd part in the book.

Robot car – programs part 1

All programs, scripts, patches and drawings from part 1 of the book “Build your own robot car with the Raspberry Pi!” as well as the e-book can be downloaded here packed in a ZIP file. Save and unpack the ZIP file on your robot car in the folder “/home/pi/robot” as described in the book. Afterwards you have all programs on your robot car which you need for the 1st part of the book. How to execute those Python programs is described step by step in the book.

Download: Python program pack 1 – Build your own robot car with the Raspberry Pi

All the Python programes are included in this package. The overview of the structure of the ZIP file part 1 is shown in the picture below.

Programme Teil 1 des Buches von 2019

Programme Teil 1 des Buches von 2019

Robot car – programs part 2

All programs for autonomous driving that you need in part 2 of the book can be downloaded here as one package. Save and unpack the ZIP file on your robot car in the folder “/home/pi/robot” as described in the book. Then you have all the programs on your robot car that you need for part 2 of the book. How to execute those Python programs is described step by step in the book.

Download: Python program pack 2 – Build your own robot car with the Raspberry Pi

All the Python programes are included in this package. The overview of the structure of the ZIP file part 2 is shown in the picture below.

Programme Teil 2 des Buches von 2019

Programme Teil 2 des Buches von 2019