Finally I got the 6-axis robotic arm from SainSmart. The model is designed for an Arduino micro controller. But I will use a Raspberry Pi ZERO W to control the robotic arm. I am not sure how difficult it will be to write the software to control the robotic arm. But with a servo controller and the power of a Raspberry Pi ZERO W it should be no problem to write the python program and to control the 6-axis robotic arm.

The following picture shows the robotic arm how it was delivered. The arm was completely assembled.


SainSmart 6 Achsen Desktop Roboter Arm

SainSmart 6 Achsen Desktop Roboter Arm

The robotic arm has six servo motors. The wires to connect the servo motors lead out at the back of the robotic arm. The base for the Arduino micro controller is mounted on the back of the robotic arm. I will use the base to mount the Raspberry Pi ZERO W together with the PCA9685 servo controller on. I will use a sheet of cardboard to attach everything on.

SainSmart 6 Achsen Desktop Roboter Arm - Base

SainSmart 6 Achsen Desktop Roboter Arm – Base

Who is interested in this robotic arm will find the assembled arm directly by SainSmart or on the Amazon marketplace.

SainSmart Web-shop:

SainSmart 6-Axis Desktop Robotic Arm

Amazon marketplace:

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The following picture shows the three servo motors which are attached next to the base. The one in the middle turns the base and is located in the center of the base. The picture only shows the two screws with which the servo motor is fasten. On the left and right side you see an additional servo motor. They are used to turn the lower and upper part of the robotic arm. The three servo motors are looking very good. The next step is to connect the servo motors with the servo controller.

SainSmart 6 Achsen Desktop Roboter Arm - Base Servo Motoren

SainSmart 6 Achsen Desktop Roboter Arm – Base Servo Motoren

The head of the robotic arm has two servo motors. They are used to turn and pan the head. The head is mounted on a white plastic pipe. A servo motor located in the bottom of the pipe turns the white plastic pipe. The flexible head is ideal to mount a Raspberry Pi camera on and to build a security robot with the Devastator Roboter Kit.

SainSmart 6 Achsen Desktop Roboter Arm - Kopf mit Servo Motoren

SainSmart 6 Achsen Desktop Roboter Arm – Kopf mit Servo Motoren


For now the robotic arm is fantastic. With the six servo motors I guess it is difficult to program the robotic arm. I am looking forward to start with the python program. To use a Raspberry Pi and a servo controller to control the robotic arm promises to be interesting. It will be very interesting to see how good everything will work together.

Article list - SainSmart 6-Axis Desktop Robotic Arm:

SainSmart 6-Axis Desktop Robotic Arm – Raspberry Pi
SainSmart 6-Axis Desktop Robotic Arm – Raspberry Pi wiring
SainSmart 6-Axis Desktop Robotic Arm - Raspberry Pi software installation
SainSmart 6-Axis Desktop Robotic Arm – Raspberry Pi web interface test
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